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Friday, March 26, 2004

Loop to Soup 

Poor Richard Clarke. From Out of the Loop to deep in the soup... Mad Prince George has released the dogs in an effort to discredit his testimony and book... declassify Senate testimony to prove his 2002 loyal Bush-speak is inconsistent with his candor when he is independent. Surprise?

Certainly not surprised that Clarke fulfilled his political role as Loyal Administration Representative, for as long as he was so employed. And not surprised that the Bushwads retaliate (see prior post).

Of Spiders and Rats 

I am puzzled. OK, I am not really puzzled, I am cynical. Why is it easier to find Saddam in a spider hole than a rat in the White House?

I understand why we have not located bin Laden. If he is in the tribal areas, that is a big piece of desert out there, and you can not see very far with all the mountains in the way. Add the fact that we are not terribly popular in those hills, and you have a very frustrating task before you.

I understand why it took nine months to locate Saddam. That was also a big piece of desert, though in places, you can see pretty far. He had some friends, and could by some silence. But in the end, he got snitched out.

What I can not understand is how someone in the Bush White House can commit a felony, outing Valerie Plame, and after eight months the culprit is still unidentified. There is no desert. There are no real mountains. Is it as hard to find the rat in the White House as to find Saddam in a spider hole? Is John Ashcroft still busy cloaking statues? And the rest of the DoJ?

I am certainly pleased that the Bush administration has raised the moral foundations of the White House.

Oh, wait, did he mean razed?

20 March 03 - Mad Prince George launches Daddy's War II.
14 July 03 - Robert Novak outs Valerie Plame, citing a GWB administration source.
14 Dec 03 - Saddam discovered in a spider hole, nine months after start of hostilities.
Ever? - White House discovers (or reveals) the felon who contacted Robert Novak, among others. As of 26 March 04, we are at eight months and counting...

Acting on a persistent itch, the notion that I might write something of consequence, I find myself confronted with this blank little box.

Feed me.

In good time, my voracious monster. For now, let us complete the task of inception. Then, to collect our thoughts, and release them in concert. Despite the distractions of daily life.


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